Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Why choose Pink Zebra?

I want to tell you a little more about why you should choose PINK ZEBRA Candles over the others.

Paraffin wax (which is a byproduct of Petroleum refining) and other ingredients used to make candles (produced by many companies) are too dangerous to ignore. Unknown to us, many of our paraffin candles contain carcinogenic compounds!

We burn candles in the evening for ambiance,  for the wonderful scents that brings back memories, because they help us to relax and for light when a storm rolls across the skies and darken our homes.

It's important to note that petroleum is not a renewable resource and in this day and age we need to be mindful of our planet and our livelihood.

So why choose Pink Zebra Candles?

Our wax is made from soft soy, which is grown in Kentucky by American soy bean farmers! 
Our Sprinkles are fragrance controlled (and contain 2 1/2 to 3 times more fragrance than our competition) and mixable. You can create custom scents without the mess, unlike "bars" which have to be broken off. 

Just as you decide to watch what you eat to keep processed foods and carcinogens out of your body, you have to watch what you are breathing and living with in your homes. Many people today are polluting the air they breathe in their own homes without knowing it, simply by burning those pretty candles. Make yourself aware and be careful not to add to the decline of your health and the environment. Choose Soy, natural and grown by American farmers.

Now, you may be saying "I don't burn candles in my home, I have children or a cat or some reason why a flame would not be a good idea" well, no worries!! We offer a couple different options for warming your sprinkles without the use of a flame. Our Simmering Lights base has a cord with an On/Off switch and warms the Sprinkles with the heat from a light bulb. When you use a simmering light base, you have the ability to change out your decor without needing to purchase a new warmer and then having to pack away the one you have been using when you put out a new one.  We offer the technology of "Interchangeable Shades"!! You purchase the base with a frosted liner (Colors include a choice of white, black, pink, orange or yellow) then just add the shade of choice that suites your decor or mood!

We also offer our simmer pot as an alternative to the simmering light. Simmer pots come in a variety of colors and do not use a light bulb to warm the sprinkles. This is a great alternative if you don't want the hassle of replacing a light bulb. We have several options to choose from with our pots.

If you would like more information about PINK ZEBRA contact me at sprinklelover13@gmail.com or you can visit my Pink Zebra Home webpage atwww.sprinklethebuckeyestate.com. You can also find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/PinkZebraBetsyGee.

 We offer a product that is UNIQUE. If you would like to join my PZ team, you won't regret it. Once you try Pink Zebra, I guarantee you will want more!!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Catch the PZ fever!

Now that I have explained my story, I want to tell you how you can create your OWN story!

This month, Pink Zebra is offering an AMAZING deal so that you can create your own story and build a business!  

How awesome is that!! What company not only gives a $25 discount to join, but also gives $20 in free product when you do??? The answer is Pink Zebra!! 
I would love to have you on my team, because this team is going to go places! GREAT places!!

Contact me today, sprinklelover13@gmail.com or go to my website www.sprinklethebuckeyestate.com

Friday, October 4, 2013

Get on the Sprinkle Wagon

I will start off by saying, I am not a blogger... I'm pretty sure I have no clue what I am doing, but I am gonna give this a go because I want to climb the highest mountains, go to the edges of the earth to share my passion and excitement for my new business venture with Pink Zebra!

Let me tell you my story: I was introduced to Pink Zebra in June 2013 when a friend on Facebook posted that she was looking to add members to her Pink Zebra team.  I wasn't exactly sure what Pink Zebra was, so I sent her a message.  She explained the company and products to me in a short message, I gave her my address and she mailed out some samples and a catalog. As I waited for my samples, I jumped on the computer... because everything on the Internet is the truth, right?!  So I googled Pink Zebra + Sprinkles... search engine pops up with a few Pink Zebra websites to check out, so I click on the first one I see... luckily, it took me straight to the horses mouth www.pinkzebrahome.com.
 I perused the website and learned many new things about this new company. Like, the Sprinkles are soft soy and are made from American grown soy beans! This made me happy because how often can anyone say Made in the U.S.A. anymore!? And that the company is only 2 years old and is UPS's fastest growing company in the world as we speak (or type.) When my samples came in the mail, I fell in LOVE!! And I don't mean in LOVE like, "I wanna use these in my home so that when my husband comes in he thinks I have been baking all day and make his mouth water thinking he was gonna have a yummy dessert after dinner", but more like, I wanna SELL this product because this is an amazing way to have a yummy scent in my home, without all the chemicals that are put off in the air from paraffin wax (a petroleum byproduct.) I knew that because no one in my town, or even in a pretty large radius from where I live, had ever heard of Pink Zebra, I had a GEM!! Not only is this company ground floor, but in my area, we are talking still in the basement level!!  I want to succeed in this business not only because I have a goal to be able to afford to build my family a new home, but also because I believe in this product. Similar companies in the direct sales business like Scentsy, 31, Tupperware, Origami Owl, etc. are so large now, could you imagine where you would be within those companies had you jumped in a ground level (or the basement in my case)?

For more information about my story, the company or the product feel free to contact me at sprinklelover13@gmail.com or you can find me on Facebook at 

If you are looking for a wonderful CONSUMABLE product that is UNIQUE with a GROUND FLOOR company, then Pink Zebra is the answer! Contact me today to jump in and join my herd!                     sprinklelover13@gmail.com
check out www.sprinklethebuckeyestate.com to see the catalog
AND you can even place an order while there!